Petplan Australia

Petplan Pet Insurance

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Dog Bite Safety Tips

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Why should I be concerned about dog bites?

  • Nearly 4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs each year.
  • The rate of dog bite-related injuries is highest for those ages 5 to 9 years.
  • About 885,000 require medical attention for dog bite-related injuries.
  • In 2012, more than 27,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery as a result of being bitten by dogs. How can dog bites be prevented.jpg

How can dog bites be prevented?

Any dog of any breed has the potential to bite. Dog bites are a largely preventable public health problem, see the following suggestions for protecting your family.

  • Dogs with histories of aggression are not suitable for households with children.
  • Spend time with a dog before buying or adopting it. Use caution when bringing a dog into a household with an infant or toddler.
  • Spay/neuter your dog (this often reduces aggressive tendencies).
  • Don’t play aggressive games with your dog (e.g. wrestling).
  • ...

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How to choose pet insurance policy for your cat


Keep in mind that, contrary to popular opinion among pet owners, policies for 2014 insurance for cat and dog are different on many levels. Just the same, always perform an informed cat insurance quote comparison before buying into a policy.

Differences between Cat and Dog Insurance

What are these differences? For one thing, the inclusions and exclusions for illnesses will be different since felines and canines are susceptible to different types of diseases. Ask your veterinarian about the types of diseases that must be included in the coverage for your insurance for cat policy and then make comparisons between several quotes based on these inclusions.

For another thing, third party liability is unnecessary for insurance for cat policy but necessary for dog insurance. This is because dog owners are legally responsible for accidents and illnesses suffered by other persons, as caused...

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What You Must Know About Insurance Comparison for Pets

e51f1b46caa811e39da012313d21419c.jpgMaking pet insurance quote comparison can be a challenging task for new and veteran pet owners alike for various reasons. The insurance business has plenty of jargon that the average pet owner may be unable to understand without detailed explanations and plenty of players.
With these challenges, the question is:

What can you do to get only the best quotes from the providers for pet insurance quote comparison purposes?
Be Mindful of the Dos and Don'ts

Newbies are especially vulnerable to the persuasive but deceptive sales talk of insurance agents and brokers. Fortunately, keeping in mind the following dos and don'ts will lessen the risks for falling into pet insurance traps.

Do check that your pet is neither too young nor too old for insurance Petplan NZ has a minimum age but no age limit for cats and dogs, subject to restrictions (i.e. based on pet insurance reviews 2014,)

* Do

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