How to choose pet insurance policy for your cat  


Keep in mind that, contrary to popular opinion among pet owners, policies for 2014 insurance for cat and dog are different on many levels. Just the same, always perform an informed cat insurance quote comparison before buying into a policy.

Differences between Cat and Dog Insurance

What are these differences? For one thing, the inclusions and exclusions for illnesses will be different since felines and canines are susceptible to different types of diseases. Ask your veterinarian about the types of diseases that must be included in the coverage for your insurance for cat policy and then make comparisons between several quotes based on these inclusions.

For another thing, third party liability is unnecessary for insurance for cat policy but necessary for dog insurance. This is because dog owners are legally responsible for accidents and illnesses suffered by other persons, as caused by their pets.

The bottom line: If you are buying insurance for cat policy, you must purchase it from an insurance company that specialises in it. Think of Pet Plan, Australia’s leading pet insurance provider.
Comparisons for Cat Insurance Quotes

When making a cat insurance quote comparison, keep these useful tips in mind.

* Never purchase based on the deductibles and premiums alone. While the lowest deductible and premiums may seem the best option, it is not usually so because you will get what you pay for. Instead, check that the 2014 insurance for cat policy provides the cover for your pets expected veterinary requirements at reasonable prices. Think of comparing apples to apples, not apples to oranges, so be mindful of the inclusions and exclusions in each policy.

* Pay attention to the basis for payment of claims for veterinary fees. The policies being compared can pay out on a "per condition" or "per condition with a time limit" or "lifetime" coverage. Of course, lifetime coverage can be more expensive but when you want coverage for long-term conditions, then it is the better option.

* Check the policy excess, understand its implications, and ask questions lest you regret your choice of insurance for cat policy later on.

Indeed, it is better to ask detailed questions when making a cat insurance quote comparison! The best insurance provider should be more than willing and able to provide satisfactory answers before asking for your signature on the contract.

Questions to Ask

And speaking of questions, here are a few questions that you must ask of yourself and of the provider for 2014 insurance for cat policy.

What are you looking for?

You can choose from a comprehensive insurance plan and a discount plan although the former is a better option than the latter. Then again, it is always better to have one than to have none so a discount plan is also a good choice.

Who are the veterinarians covered by the insurance for cat policy?

Choose a provider without a specific network of veterinarians but instead will work with virtually all professionals.

What are the inclusions and exclusions?

You have a choice of adding common exclusions to the policy by paying for an additional cost; ask your cat insurance provider about the possibility. Usually, the insurance for cat policy includes prescription coverage, wellness checks, and accident cover but each policy differs so be sure to read the fine print.

Regardless of your choice, you will find that indeed Pet Plan offers the best 2014 insurance for cat policy in Australia


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